
I passed Foundation Programme (FY2)!

Long time no see and no blog post. I am incredibly bad at keeping up with blogging and I just keep writing drafts (oops). I am going to post about restaurants, food and life in general and will be back tracking for many months, so bear with me and watch this space. I think I will have more time to do this soon… Because I passed FY2!

All medical students when they graduate medical schools, they become doctors through Foundation programme first. All UK doctors have to go through this Foundation Programme in order for them to specialise and progress. This programme is made up of 2 years (FY1, FY2) and the aim is to produce a well rounded junior doctor. Foundation programme is made up of 6 rotations (3 in FY1 and 3 in FY2) and throughout FY1 and FY2, we have to complete a portfolio of procedures, competencies, reflections and many more tasks. Each year have an ARCP – an end of year review with panels who decide whether this doctor can adequately progress onto the next level or exit the programme successfully. Currently on my last rotation (General Practice) I recently found out that I passed FY2 therefore I will finish the Foundation Programme successfully on Tuesday 3rd August.

This past year has been particularly challenging and I never ever thought of working in the pandemic will last this long. But it is a relief to know that I will not need to have any extensions to my rotations or add any additional evidences to my portfolio. Now I have less than 2 months of my last rotation left. I am taking a year out after this as many of my friends and colleagues do and will be spending the year to build my portfolio and to to experience different specialties before jumping in. I’m looking forward to taking post COVID 19 holidays abroad, especially to visit my grandma in Seoul and I will also work as a locum doctor for when there is a gap to rota. I’m so excited to work with my own time, when and where I want whilst time managing to prioritise family and friends from August. I think it will be a well deserved break for both my mental and physical wellbeing.

Talking about spending time with family, I had the most loveliest time with mine this weekend just gone. I am so blessed and thankful to God, that they are healthy and that we are able to meet up now. The sun was shining, (probably a bit too much, as it was extremely hot), but we still enjoyed a walk in near by village and a BBQ in the garden and celebrated mum and dad’s birthdays and early Father’s day (I know, very expensive month…)! Hopefully, I can have many more days like this during my year…

Canal walk by Stoke Bruerne

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